Hi there!

It’s nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by 🙂

No one likes a long winded intro, so I’ll keep it simple.

Food blogs are a dime a dozen on the internet these days, and this little blog of mine might not be anything special. But to me, it’s a way for me to share my love for food with you. A outlet of expression, and an invitation to my kitchen through words.

I love to eat, I love to cook, I love to bake and I am obsessed about food. Where some may see food as a way to fill their stomachs and merely fuel to get them through the day, it’s one of the biggest things I look forward to each day. I read cookbooks in my free time, watch shows about food, love to know the science behind why things work the way they do, and wish I would never grow fat from eating so that I may indulge all day long.

I live in constant awe of the internet and am thankful for its magical existence. I think that Thomas Keller is an amazing inspiration, that Pierre Herme can do no wrong and that junk food makes the world go round.

I am not poetic, nor a great (or even semi-decent) writer, but I try my best and hope that you’ll forgive me along the way.

If you have any questions about the recipes, I’m always there to help so do drop a comment if you’d like, even if it’s just to say “hi”.

Lastly, beyond all of these ‘I’s on this page of what makes me me, I hope that I’ll see you around for a long time to come my dear new friend.
